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That He Should Care For Us...

Psalm 8

Good News Translation (GNT)
God's Glory and Human Dignity[a]
    O Lord, our Lord,
      your greatness is seen in all the world!
   Your praise reaches up to the heavens;
 2 it is sung by children and babies.
   You are safe and secure from all your enemies;
      you stop anyone who opposes you.

 3 When I look at the sky, which you have made,
      at the moon and the stars, which you set in their places—
 4 what are human beings, that you think of them;
      mere mortals, that you care for them?

 5 Yet you made them inferior only to yourself;[b]
      you crowned them with glory and honor.
 6 You appointed them rulers over everything you made;
      you placed them over all creation:
    7 sheep and cattle, and the wild animals too;
    8 the birds and the fish
      and the creatures in the seas.

 9 O Lord, our Lord,
      your greatness is seen in all the world!
*photograph copyright R. Harriott 2012


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