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All Things Under Him

1 Corinthians 15:22-28 GNT

For just as all people die because of their union with Adam, in the same way all will be raised to life because of their union with Christ.  But each one will be raised in proper order: Christ, first of all; then, at the time of his coming, those who belong to him.  Then the end will come; Christ will overcome all spiritual rulers, authorities, and powers, and will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father.  For Christ must rule until God defeats all enemies and puts them under his feet.  The last enemy to be defeated will be death.  For the scripture says, “God put  all  things under his feet.” It is clear, of course, that the words “all things” do not include God himself, who puts all things under Christ.  But when all things have been placed under Christ's rule, then he himself, the Son, will place himself under God, who placed all things under him; and God will rule completely over all.

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