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New Again...

"We need not be afraid to let the seasons change."

- Ann-Maree Keefe (Powerlines)

Psalm 104:19-30

New Century Version (NCV)

19 You made the moon to mark the seasons, 
       and the sun always knows when to set. 
 20 You make it dark, and it becomes night. 
       Then all the wild animals creep around.
 21 The lions roar as they attack. 
       They look to God for food.
 22 When the sun rises, they leave 
       and go back to their dens to lie down.
 23 Then people go to work 
       and work until evening. 

 24 Lord, you have made many things; 
       with your wisdom you made them all. 
       The earth is full of your riches. 
 25 Look at the sea, so big and wide, 
       with creatures large and small that cannot be counted.
 26 Ships travel over the ocean, 
       and there is the sea monster Leviathan, 
       which you made to play there. 

 27 All these things depend on you 
       to give them their food at the right time. 
 28 When you give it to them, 
       they gather it up. 
    When you open your hand, 
       they are filled with good food.
 29 When you turn away from them, 
       they become frightened. 
    When you take away their breath, 
       they die and turn to dust.
 30 When you breathe on them, 
       they are created, 
       and you make the land new again.


*Photographs copyright R. Harriott 2012


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