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He Never Forgets

Isaiah 49:8-18

Good News Translation (GNT)
The Restoration of Jerusalem
 8 The Lord says to his people,

         When the time comes to save you, I will show you favor
      and answer your cries for help.
   I will guard and protect you
      and through you make a covenant with all peoples.
   I will let you settle once again
      in your land that is now laid waste.
 9 I will say to the prisoners,
         Go free!
      and to those who are in darkness,
         Come out to the light!
   They will be like sheep that graze on the hills;
    10 they will never be hungry or thirsty.
   Sun and desert heat will not hurt them,
      for they will be led by one who loves them.
      He will lead them to springs of water.

 11 I will make a highway across the mountains
      and prepare a road for my people to travel.
 12 My people will come from far away,
      from the north and the west,
      and from Aswan[a] in the south.  

 13 Sing, heavens! Shout for joy, earth!
      Let the mountains burst into song!
   The Lord will comfort his people;
      he will have pity on his suffering people.
 14 But the people of Jerusalem said,

         The Lord has abandoned us!
      He has forgotten us.
 15 So the Lord answers,

         Can a woman forget her own baby
      and not love the child she bore?
   Even if a mother should forget her child,
      I will never forget you.
 16 Jerusalem, I can never forget you!
      I have written your name on the palms of my hands.

 17 Those who will rebuild you are coming soon,
      and those who destroyed you will leave.
 18 Look around and see what is happening!
      Your people are assembling—they are coming home!
   As surely as I am the living God,
      you will be proud of your people,
      as proud as a bride is of her jewels.


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