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Free From Worry...

1 Corinthians 7:29-35

New Century Version (NCV)
 29 Brothers and sisters, this is what I mean: We do not have much time left. So starting now, those who have wives should live as if they had no wives.30 Those who are crying should live as if they were not crying. Those who are happy should live as if they were not happy. Those who buy things should live as if they own nothing.31 Those who use the things of the world should live as if they were not using them, because this world in its present form will soon be gone.

 32 I want you to be free from worry. A man who is not married is busy with the Lord's work, trying to please the Lord.33 But a man who is married is busy with things of the world, trying to please his wife.34 He must think about two things—pleasing his wife and pleasing the Lord. A woman who is not married or a girl who has never married is busy with the Lord's work. She wants to be holy in body and spirit. But a married woman is busy with things of the world, as to how she can please her husband.35 I am saying this to help you, not to limit you. But I want you to live in the right way, to give yourselves fully to the Lord without concern for other things.


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