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Trust in the Lord

Isaiah 26: 1-11 GNT

A day is coming when the people will sing this song in the land of Judah: Our city is strong! God himself defends its walls! Open the city gates and let the faithful nation enter, the nation whose people do what is right. You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever; he will always protect us. He has humbled those who were proud; he destroyed the strong city they lived in, and sent its walls crashing into the dust. Those who were oppressed walk over it now and trample it under their feet. Lord, you make the path smooth for good people; the road they travel is level. We follow your will and put our hope in you; you are all that we desire. At night I long for you with all my heart; when you judge the earth and its people, they will all learn what justice is. Even though you are kind to the wicked, they never learn to do what is right. Even here in a land of righteous people they still do wrong; they refuse to recognize your greatness. Your enemies do not know that you will punish them. Lord, put them to shame and let them suffer; let them suffer the punishment you have prepared. Show them how much you love your people.


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