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Thanks to God

Psalm 18:20-29 GNT

The LORD rewards me because I do what is right;

he blesses me because I am innocent.
I have obeyed the law of the LORD;

I have not turned away from my God.
I have observed all his laws;

I have not disobeyed his commands.
He knows that I am faultless,

that I have kept myself from doing wrong.
And so he rewards me because I do what is right,

because he knows that I am innocent.
O LORD, you are faithful to those who are faithful to you;

completely good to those who are perfect.
You are pure to those who are pure,

but hostile to those who are wicked.
You save those who are humble,

but you humble those who are proud.
O LORD, you give me light;

you dispel my darkness.
You give me strength to attack my enemies

and power to overcome their defenses.

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