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Alone Our God

Isaiah 42:1-9 GNT

The LORD says,

“Here is my servant, whom I strengthen—

the one I have chosen, with whom I am pleased.

I have filled him with my Spirit,

and he will bring justice to every nation.
He will not shout or raise his voice

or make loud speeches in the streets.
He will not break off a bent reed

nor put out a flickering lamp.

He will bring lasting justice to all.
He will not lose hope or courage;

he will establish justice on the earth.

Distant lands eagerly wait for his teaching.”
God created the heavens and stretched them out;

he fashioned the earth and all that lives there;

he gave life and breath to all its people.

And now the LORD God says to his servant,
“I, the LORD, have called you and given you power

to see that justice is done on earth.

Through you I will make a covenant with all peoples;

through you I will bring light to the nations.
You will open the eyes of the blind

and set free those who sit in dark prisons.
“I alone am the LORD your God.

No other god may share my glory;

I will not let idols share my praise.
The things I predicted have now come true.

Now I will tell you of new things

even before they begin to happen.”

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