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Be Patient

Hebrews 6:1- 12

Good News Translation (GNT)

Hebrews 6

1 Let us go forward, then, to mature

teaching and leave behind us the first

lessons of the Christian message. We

should not lay again the foundation of

turning away from useless works and

believing in God; 2 of the teaching about

baptisms[ a ] and the laying on of hands;

of the resurrection of the dead and the

eternal judgment.3 Let us go forward!

And this is what we will do, if God


4 For how can those who abandon their

faith be brought back to repent again?

They were once in God's light; they

tasted heaven's gift and received their

share of the Holy Spirit;5 they knew

from experience that God's word is

good, and they had felt the powers of

the coming age. 6 And then they

abandoned their faith! It is impossible

to bring them back to repent again,

because they are again crucifying the

Son of God and exposing him to public


7 God blesses the soil which drinks in

the rain that often falls on it and which

grows plants that are useful to those

for whom it is cultivated. 8 But if it

grows thorns and weeds, it is worth

nothing; it is in danger of being cursed

by God and will be destroyed by fire.

9 But even if we speak like this, dear

friends, we feel sure about you. We

know that you have the better blessings

that belong to your salvation.10 God is

not unfair. He will not forget the work

you did or the love you showed for him

in the help you gave and are still giving

to other Christians. 11 Our great desire is

that each of you keep up your

eagerness to the end, so that the things

you hope for will come true. 12 We do

not want you to become lazy, but to be

like those who believe and are patient,

and so receive what God has promised

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