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Hello and welcome to the very first post for 
Andy's Inspiration Box

This is a blog dedicated to the lovely people from Sundays@6.00
(St. Andrews Uniting Church, Richmond, NSW).  

We have a special service running every Sunday night at 6pm, where people from all walks of life can come together to share in God's amazing love and grace. 

The Inspiration Box (in physical form) began as a way for us to share our inspirational thoughts, quotes, songs and photographs with each other through our weekly service. Now, potentially, we have a way to share these reflections with others who may stumble upon this site. 

If you are seeking hope, encouragement, direction or faith, then hopefully you will find something to lift your spirits here. And please know this... you will always be welcome at our Sunday night service Sundays@6.00.

God bless and happy reading,

Rosie (S@6 team member).

St. Andrews Uniting Church
25 West Market Street
Richmond NSW 2753
Church Office: Phone (02) 45783820 


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