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Jeremiah 1:17-19
New Living Translation (NLT)

17 “Get up and prepare for action.
    Go out and tell them everything I tell you to say.
Do not be afraid of them,
    or I will make you look foolish in front of them.
18 For see, today I have made you strong
    like a fortified city that cannot be captured,
    like an iron pillar or a bronze wall.
You will stand against the whole land—
    the kings, officials, priests, and people of Judah.
19 They will fight you, but they will fail.
    For I am with you, and I will take care of you.
    I, the Lord, have spoken!”

"In one sense, Jeremiah’s mission bore no fruit. It didn’t result in what God desired. But that didn’t mean it was a failure. His job was to preach the message not guarantee its acceptance. He carried out his mission successfully even though the message failed to be heeded. He was successful because he was faithful, not ‘fruitful’." - David Reay


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