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1 Peter 5:6New International Version (NIV)

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

We can go crazy trying to make life fit into our own plans. We can get frustrated trying to control and manage circumstances so as to bend life our way. It won’t work. We are not that powerful. And besides, Jesus is the one in charge of our world, not us.
Peter is talking to people who were becoming anxious and distracted about what life was throwing at them. He will go on to urge them to cast their cares on God who is the one who shapes circumstances. And here he also urges them to submit humbly to God rather than fighting him. We may experience a time of testing or doubt or confusion or weakness. Rather than demand God get us out of it right now if not sooner, we are to content ourselves that he is in charge and will work his own good out of it in his own time.

This doesn’t mean we can never seek to change our circumstances. But if God doesn’t seem to be adopting this strategy, rather than throwing an impatient tantrum or sinking into despondency we are to rest in God. We want things to change right now, God might have other plans. 

Instead of using our precious energy fighting against God in order to change circumstances, we do better to expend our energy in facing and conquering those circumstances with his help. Fighting God is a loser’s game. Surrender is winning.

David Reay


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