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The Cross

God laid upon my back a grievous load,
A heavy cross to bear along the road.

I staggered on, and lo! one weary day,
An angry lion sprang across my way.

I prayed to God, and swift at His command
The cross became a weapon in my hand.

It slew my raging enemy, and then
Became a cross upon my back again.

I reached a desert. O'er the burning track
I persevered, the cross upon my back.

No shade was there, and in the cruel sun
I sank at last, and thought my days were done

But lo! the Lord works many a blest surprise -
The cross became a tree before my eyes!

I slept; I woke to feel the strength of ten.
I found the cross upon my back again.

And thus through all of my days from then to this,
The cross, my burden, has become my bliss.

Nor ever shall I lay the burden down,
For God someday will make the cross a crown!
                                                         - Amos R. Wells


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