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Our Place

"If a son, then an heir."

Heir of a mighty King, heir to a throne,
Why art thou wandering sad and alone?
Heir to the love of God, heir to His grace,
Rise to thy privilege, claiming thy place.

Heir of a Conquerer, why dost thou fear?
Foes cannot trouble thee when He is near.
Child of the promises, be not oppressed,
Claim what belongs to thee, find sweetest rest.

Heir by inheritance! Child of they God!
Right to thy sonship is found in His word;
Walk with the noble ones, never alone;
Prince of the Royal Blood, come to thy throne.

Heirs! We are joint-heirs with Jesus our Lord!
Heirs of the Covenant, found in His word!
Rise to thy privilege, heir to His grace!
Heir to the love of God, rise, claim thy place!
- Springs in the Valley (November 19)


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