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Good News

Isaiah 61:1-7

Good News Translation (GNT)
    The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his Spirit.
   He has chosen me and sent me
   To bring good news to the poor,
   To heal the broken-hearted,
   To announce release to captives
   And freedom to those in prison.
 2 He has sent me to proclaim
   That the time has come
   When the Lord will save his people
   And defeat their enemies.
   He has sent me to comfort all who mourn,
 3 To give to those who mourn in Zion
   Joy and gladness instead of grief,
   A song of praise instead of sorrow.
   They will be like trees
   That the Lord himself has planted.
   They will all do what is right,
   And God will be praised for what he has done.
 4 They will rebuild cities that have long been in ruins.

 5 My people, foreigners will serve you.
   They will take care of your flocks
   And farm your land and tend your vineyards.
 6 And you will be known as the priests of the Lord,
   The servants of our God.
   You will enjoy the wealth of the nations
   And be proud that it is yours.
 7 Your shame and disgrace are ended.
   You will live in your own land,
   And your wealth will be doubled;
   Your joy will last forever.


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